Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Maori Culture

Click here to download: (552 KB)

Monday, November 1, 2010

what i think culture is!!!!!

I think culture means:-differ people, differ countries, differ religions
and differ ethnicities.

Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Things I Need To Concentrate And Improve Next Term!!!!

1. I need to concentrate on my work and I am going to do this by not
sitting next to people on my list.

2. I need to concentrate on my reading and improve my reading by reading
more books and playing more reading games.

3. I need to improve my writing by listening to my teacher on the mat and
prove to my teacher that I am a good student.

What I Achieved This Term And Why I Am Proud Of It!!!!

1. I have achieved my basic facts and I am proud of it because I am now
consistently getting 100/100 and because I started at 35/100 at the start
of the year.

2. I have improved my eastle score and I am proud of it because I worked
hard and because I am just about past the NZ mean.

3. I have achieved my prezi about the Christchurch earthquake and I am
proud of it because I completed it with out a partner and just by my self.

My Future Job

Monday, September 13, 2010
